My Blog

Saturday, January 27, 2007


So, in the process of redesigning the UNT International website, I've been thinking a lot about what web developers and technologists in general call "future-proofing." Technology changes over time, and so do the people using it, so when you're making something technological it's generally a good idea to think about whether or not it's still going to be worth using more than a couple of years from now. This is more difficult than it seems.

For instance, in analyzing the error logs I'm keeping for that site, I've noticed recently that there are still quite a few people trying to access pages on our site using URIs that only existed on the old site. The content still exists, but it now lives somewhere else; instead of "/Acalendar.htm", a user would now have to visit "/offices/welcome/acadcal" if they wanted information about the UNT academic calendar(s). Undoubtedly these users have been frustrated, since the academic calendar is in fact a very important piece of content; they might even have it bookmarked.

To alleviate this problem in the short-term, I've set up some simple URI aliases that turn the most common invalid addresses in the error log into the valid addresses on the new site so that our friend looking for the academic calendar will not be disappointed. But although the problem is solvable in the short run, it raises some long-term future-proofing issues.

You see, there really isn't a whole lot of difference between the old URI system and my new one, except that mine seems to me to be a bit more logically organized based on how I understand the content. Everything is structured hierarchically, first by the sub-unit that owns the content, and then by the topical categories most useful to that sub-unit. Makes sense for now, but will it make sense in a couple of years? Can I really guarantee that we will always consider the Welcome Center's subsection to be the most logical location for academic calendars? The further into the future you go, the more difficult this question becomes. Such an organizationally- and topically-driven hierarchy is ultimately just so much noise; content will invariably move, and no one can possibly predict where it will move to.

Of course, Tim Berners-Lee said all this nine years ago in "Cool URIs Don't Change"; I'm just not sure that I really got the point until (a) I saw my error logs this week, and (b) I stumbled across Berners-Lee's article shortly afterwards. Sometimes it takes a real-life problem to make you see that an old habit really does need to die.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Put it in writing

Today I woke up and I didn't really want to, which is expectable on a Monday. So, I thought to myself, "Why not post a comment on your blog declaring it to be Saturday? Since it's in writing, everyone will have to believe it."

The irony of this is that not only do I know this technique to be utterly unworkable due to the existence and universality of international date standards, but I am also keenly aware of the fact that every blog posting I make automatically lists a computer-generated date, sealing those standards' ultimate victory over my feeble declaration of weekenditude.

Monday, January 22, 2007
Today is Saturday.
Everyone go home.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My New Blog Post

First, one of the reasons I haven't blogged in awhile is that I haven't been able to think of a sufficient explanation as to why I haven't blogged in awhile. It seems like the first post back after a long hiatus should do something like that, but I really don't want to.

Second, I thought it would be nice to post a link here to my newest public website; I've finally gotten the new UNT International website up and running, and it's been working very well so far. Glad to have it finally public, but the job is far from over in terms of making it really sing.

One of the things I've been working on a lot lately in that project is making the underlying web application code run faster. Since I'm largely self-taught, I have kind of had to figure out for myself the best practices for doing so; some things I expected to work failed miserably, whereas other things I expected not to work helped quite a bit.

For example: my web application, like so many others, is database-driven, meaning that the bulk of the content that appears to the end user is pulled out of a database when needed and incorporated into appropriate HTML templates that are then sent as static content to the user. It's a great model, but there's a lot involved in it: for instance, suppose that (as sometimes happens in my application) one particular piece of content is used more than once in the course of program execution...say, an Article object. The way I originally wrote it, the application was unaware of these kinds of redundancies; that is to say, if Article 3 was needed sixty times in the course of program execution, it was retrieved from the database sixty times.

This struck me as inefficient. After all, there's such a thing as memory; why not have my application store the data for Article 3 in its own memory and then use it from there, thus reducing the total number of database retrieval operations by 59. It'd be kind of like a professor sending a research assistant out to the library for a book one time and memorizing it when the assistant got back, rather than sending the assistant out to the library every time he wanted to reread a paragraph. It sounded good, and I implemented it...and my application, as a result, was sometimes 300% slower.

The thing is, sometimes you have to consider the fact that, regardless of talent, something that has too many jobs will eventually become bad at all of them. Undoubtedly our example professor could benefit in the short term from memorizing one particularly important book, but if he had to memorize all the books he ever used as sources in his research, I highly doubt he'd be able to teach his classes, or even write the paper he memorized the books for. Or, give a circus performer too many plates to keep spinning and he'll drop every one of them, even though he wouldn't have dropped any at all if you'd given him just one less. Delegate too much work to your employees and they'll eventually fail you; fail to delegate enough, and you'll fail you.

Third, I've found that one of the reasons I never post to my blog is that I rarely find myself capable of writing a sufficient concluding statement. Even though what I've said in the body of the post may have been great, I'm never satisfied with the ending.